WSJ Korea 2023

Reflecting on an Incredible Journey: SoliCov’s Triumph at the World Scout Jamboree!

In Mid August, our Jamboree unit, SoliCov, returned home
from their extraordinary adventure in Korea.


After the whirlwind of laundry and the enthusiastic
recounting of Jamboree tales, it’s time for us to pause and reflect in the
awe-inspiring accomplishments achieved by our SoliCov unit.


But let’s rewind a bit. A Jamboree is more than a 2 week
camp; it’s a transformative journey. For SoliCov, this odyssey started back in
September 2021 when our leaders, the dynamic duo of Hayley and Marc, began the
search for the young people of Solihull who would most benefit from this
amazing adventure. By November, Solihull’s half was selected, and the grand
blueprint for their adventure was already in motion. By January 2022, and the
full ensemble was assembled as Coventry’s leaders, Elliott and James, joined
forces with 18 enthusiastic Coventry young people. The unit’s first full camp
took place in February of 2022.


From that moment on, it’s been a symphony of collaboration.
A myriad of training camps, team-building exercises, and tireless fundraising
feats have bound our unit ever tighter. Amidst all this, our  leaders—juggling UK contingent training,
local Scout responsibilities, and their everyday careers—stood as pillars of
unwavering support.


When we waved off the unit at Birmingham Airport none of us knew quite what was in
store for the unit, the UK Contingent and all the other 40,000 Scouts from
around the world that were attending the World Scout Jamboree.


In a nutshell, the story unfolded with challenges aplenty. The Site was hit with
Flooding before they arrived, followed by a
sweltering heatwave, unsanitary conditions
and food issues. This led the UK Contingent to make the decision to leave the
site after only a couple of days and complete the Jamboree Journey in Seoul.
Later the camp was officially abandoned due to a Typhoon working its way up
through the country.


Despite all these challenges our jamboree unit has come out the other side smiling! Our
young people have done fantastically well. This is a true reflection of all the
hard work and dedication that our Jamboree Leadership team have put in over the
last 20 months. As a unit, they were able to come together and overcome all
sorts of challenges and remain incredibly positive about it all and support
each other.


And they’ve got the badges to prove it! The Contingent
Management Team (CMT) recognized SoliCov’s remarkable growth and unwavering
spirit, awarding them the “Prepare to Roar" badge. Among 89 units in
the UK Contingent, this special badge was only awarded to one other unit. It recognises their
outstanding growth and resilience during the World Scout Jamboree and their
journey has inspired so many of the UK Contingent.


We want to take this opportunity to say how proud we are of the unit.
They’ve showcased the very essence of Solihull and Coventry, embodying the
spirit of unity and determination.


Lastly, a heartfelt THANK YOU. Hayley, Marc, Elliott, and
James, your tireless dedication over these 20 months has made the impossible
possible. Without your steadfast guidance, hard work and determination, none of
this would have happened.


With immense pride and gratitude,

Solihull Scouts