Your Vote Counts

19 Sep

Your Vote Counts

Categorised in:
Solihull District AGMs will take place next week Blythe on Tuesday, Cole on Wednesday and County on Thursday.
This will be an online meeting –
7:15pm for 7:30pm start
In accordance with Scout POR the District Scout Councils vote for nominees put forward as district trustees & executive committee members.
Membership of the District Scout Councils consists of the below. All are eligible to vote –
All adult members & associate members of the district
All Explorer scouts
All Explorer scouts parents
All District Network members
Voting is now open using the link below & will close at 10pm Monday 21st September.
GSLs/ESLs/Network Commissioners – please forward this note to all leaders, explorers, explorer parents & network members – thank you.
Please take a moment to use your vote.