Solihull Remembers Her Majesty the Queen

8 Sep

Solihull Remembers Her Majesty the Queen

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Like many of you this evening, you will be sitting at home trying to come to terms with the sad news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II. As an extremely proud Queen’s Scout myself, I share the feeling of many Scouts across the world which is that of sadness but also immense gratitude to our patron.

As we enter a period of national mourning, we must take the time to speak to our young people and help them come to terms with the news. HM The Queen has been in all our lives for most of our lives, but for our young people, that may have only been 4 – 5 years. There are already a number of resources available at which will provide support, guidance and advice on how to continue Scouting in the next 12 days, in a reflective way. (Click here)

It will also not escape your foresight that we are one week away from Discovery 2022, our County Camp. At this time, we are continuing with our plans to go ahead with Discovery 2022 but will be making a few changes to some of the planned activities to take into consideration the period of national mourning and reflection. At the time of me writing this, we do not yet know the final plans of the state funeral, when that is announced we will review the plans again and make appropriate arrangements. Further information about camp was due to be released this evening but I asked for that to be put on hold while I got some support and advice from the Interim Chief Commissioner for England about what we should do, please continue to look out for that information later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Thank you all in advance for continuing to work with and support our members through this sad time for Scouting, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the rest of the world.